
Minimalists. What is “Minimalists? Is it a website run by a group of people who like minimalism? Or simple lists of things that are minimal by design? Neither! Minimalists is a website for a diverse range of minimalist things. As for the s at the end, I can’t afford the £3,000 they wanted for the co uk website.

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I wanted to keep this introduction to a minimum. However, I tend to rabbit on—like I am doing now! But I think we are sorted. Well, I hope we are. Actually, something is missing, so perhaps we are not.

Minimalists showcase products that support a minimalist lifestyle, from versatile home essentials to sustainable living items. We help you move from a cluttered work life to a minimalistic workflow, from complex holidays to simple experiences. We look for products to help you simplify your life and embrace intentional, clutter-free living.

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